8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
Phoebe will deliver two presentations at the WCPEC-8 held in Milan, Italy; the first on the thermoradiative diode and the second on RayFlare.
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Phoebe will deliver two presentations at the WCPEC-8 held in Milan, Italy; the first on the thermoradiative diode and the second on RayFlare.
Michael will present on the use of HgCdTe photodiodes for thermoradiative power generation at SPIE Optics + Photonics in San Diego 21-25 August 2022 in the session Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications XII.
Ned will deliver an extended presentation at the IEEE Photovoltaic Specalists Conference in Philadelphia, USA on demonstrating the thermoradiative diode on Tuesday June 7th. He will also deliver a tutorial on June 5th on the "Fundamentals of Photovoltaics". He is also participating in the Sun Run for the first time...
Michael is lead organizer for the symposium QT01 "Applications and Characterization of Nonequilibrium Electron, Phonon and Polaron Dynamics" at the MRS Spring 2022 conference where Ned (invited talk), Andreas, and Abhinav will be presenting their work. Ned will also present an invited talk at the symposium EN02 "III-V Semiconductors for Energy Conversion Technologies".
Michael will attend the 44th Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting in Rotorua, New Zealand to present our work on 'Demonstrating the Hot Carrier Solar Cell Through Broadband Absorption and Resonant Carrier Extraction'
Michael will attend the EDISON conference in Nara, Japan to present our work on 'Demonstrating the Hot Carrier Solar Cell Through Broadband Absorption and Resonant Carrier Extraction'
The QPV group is presenting at the 46th IEEE PVSC
Diego, Tom, Phoebe and Ned attended the 33rd EU PVSEC at the RAI in Amsterdam, presenting three posters and a talk between them. Conference proceedings are available for free on the PVSEC proceedings website (after registration):
Phoebe presented two talks at PVSAT-13 in Bangor, Wales, about modelling feed-in tariffs in Great Britain and material and device results for SiGeSn (silicon-germanium-tin) alloys,